GR-8015U GNSSレシーバーUSB

Navisys Technology Corp. 2015/07 GPSサポート


  • GPSGNSS本体 x1 USB TypeA アンテナ内蔵


  • 日本語マニュアル保証書


パッチアンテナ内蔵一体型GNSSレシーバー u-blox M8T搭載USBインターフェイス



入力 RTCM 10402.3 Message 1,2,3,9

防水 IPX7


Windows OSのUSBシリアルドライバーでセットアップを行います。

Windows Location Sensor 対応


GPS u-blox GNSS ultra performance Module M8T
受信方式 72チャンネル
加速度 <4g
高度 50,000m limit
速度 500m/秒 1,852Km/hr limit
正確度 速度 0.05m/秒 方位 0.3度
受信感度 -167dBm(Tracking)
位置精度 2.5m (単独) 2.0m(WAAS)
TTFF 25秒 Cold 1秒 Hot
出力メッセージ NMEA 0183v4 (2.3/4.x), UBX ,Input-RTCM2.3 1,2,3,9
Raw Data RXM-RAWX 搬送波位相 RXM-SFRBX 各衛星航法データ
ボーレート 9600bps default N-8-1
電源電圧 DC5V (33mA 標準)USB2.0
本体サイズ 40mm x 45㎜ x18mm
ケーブル USB Type A 1.5m
インターフェイス USB(Windows USB serial Driver)/Sensor(u-blox GNSS Sensor Device Driver for Windows)
ストレージ温度 -40℃~85℃
バッテリ温度 -20℃~60℃
湿度 95%(結露しない)
防水 IPX7
振動 5Hz-500Hz 5g
振動正弦半波衝撃パルス 30g 11ms
Certification RoHS
USB A Type Pin 1 Vin Pin2,3 USB IF Pin4 GND
LED Color LED(赤) ON 探索中 LED(赤)点滅 捕捉完了

Windows10セットアップ (u-center/USB serial driver)

ucenter download


u-center for Windowsv21.05(21'6月現在)をダウンロードして解凍(展開)後 u-center_v21.xx.exeを実行しインストールを行います。


コンポーネント選択ではu-centerとDriversにUse Windows USB Serial Driverにチェックが入っています。このまま変更せずに進め、インストールを完了します。
をインストールした場合はデバイスマネージャーセンサーの項にu-blox GNSS Location Sensor(or u-blox Universal GNSS)と表示されています。別途COMポートで接続する場合USBシリアルデバイスへドライバーの更新を行います(→FAQ)。参考C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Windows kits \ 10 \ Tools \ x64 \sensordiagnostictool.exe


COMポート(USBシリアルデバイス COMxx)、ボーレート9600bpsを選択しOpen Portをクリックします

u-center 21.0.5
  ├── File
  ├── Edit
  ├── View
      ├── Packet Console
      ├── Binary Console
      ├── Text Console
      ├── Message View
   ├── Configuration View
      ├── (Generation 9 Configuration View)
      ├── Statics View
      ├── Table View
      ├── Recent Table View
      ├── Chart View
      ├── Recent Chart View
      ├── Histgram View
      ├── Recent Histgram View
      ├── (GNSS Driver View)
      ├── Map View
      ├── Recent Static Map View
      ├── Camera View
      ├── Daviation Map
      ├── Sky View
      ├── Docking Windows
      └── Toolbars
  ├── Player
  ├── Reciver
      ├── Connection
      ├── Baudrate
  ├── Tools
  ├── Windows
  └── Help
     ├── Configuration View
    	  ├── ANT(Antena Setting)
    	  ├── BATCH
    	  ├── CFG(Configuration)
    	  |   └── Revert to last saved configuration
    	  |   └── Revert all but ANT default configuration
    	  |   └── Revert default configuration 工場出荷状態に戻す
    	  |   └── Save current configuration 変更を保存
    	  |   └── User defined configuration
    	  ├── DAT(Datum)
    	  |   └── WGS84
    	  ├── DGNSS (Differential GNSS configuration)
    	  |   └── 3=RTK fixed: Ambiguities are fixed whenever possible.
    	  ├── DOSC(Disciplined Oscilator)- 
    	  ├── EKF(EKF Setting)
    	  ├── ESFA(Accelerometer Config)
    	  ├── ESFALG(IMU-mount Alignment)
    	  ├── ESFG(Gyroscope Config)
    	  ├── ESFGWT(Gyro+Wheeltick)
    	  ├── ESWT(IMU-mount Alignment)
    	  ├── ESRC(IMU-mount Alignment)
    	  ├── FXN(Fix Now Mode)
    	  ├── GEOFENCE(Geofence Config)
    	  ├── GNSS(GNSS Config)
    	  |   └── GPS 有効/無効
    	  |   └── SBAS 有効/無効
    	  |  └── Galileo選択 有効/無効
    	  |  └── BeiDou 選択 有効/無効
    	  |  └── IMES   
    	  |  └── QZSS 有効/無効
    	  |   └── GLONASS 有効/無効
    	  |   └── IRNASS
    	  ├── HNR(High Nav Rate)
    	  ├── INF(Inf Messages)
    	  ├── ITFM(Jamming/Interference Monitor)
    	  ├── LOGFILTER(Log Setting)
    	  ├── MSG(Messages)
    	  |  └── 02-15 RXM-RAWX USB 1
    	  |  └── 02-13 RXM-SFRBX USB 1
    	  |  └── F0-00 NMEA GxGGA
    	  |  └── F0-01 NMEA GxGLL
    	  |   └── F0-02 NMEA GxGSA
          |   └── F0-03 NMEA GxGSV
    	  |   └── F0-04 NMEA GxRMC
    	  |   └── F0-05 NMEA GxVTG
    	  |   └── F0-06 NMEA GxGRS
    	  |   └── F0-07 NMEA GxGST
    	  |   └── F0-08 NMEA GxZDA
    	  |   └── F0-09 NMEA GxGBS
    	  |   └── F0-0A NMEA GxDTM
    	  |   └── F0-0D NMEA GxGNS
    	  |   └── F0-0E NMEA GxTHS
    	  |   └── F0-0F NMEA GxVLW
    	  |   └── F1-00 NMEA PUBX00
    	  ├── NAV5(Navigation 5)
    	  |   └── Navigation Modes
    	  |   |   └── Dynamic ModelPortable
    	  |   |   └── Fix Mode
    	  |   |   └── UTC Standard
    	  |   └── Navigation Input filters
    	  |   └── Navigation output filters
    	  ├── NAVX5(Navigation Expert 5)
    	  |   └── Navigation Input Filters
    	  |   └── Miscellaneous
    	  |   |   └── GPS Week rollover(1867 20151018-20350602/ 1936 20170212-20360927)
    	  |   └── AssistNow Autonomous
    	  |   └── ADR/UDR
    	  |   └── Sugnal Atenuaton Compensation
    	  ├── NMEA(NMEA Protocol)
    	  |   └── CFG-NMEA-DATA2
    	  |   |   └── Filters
    	  |   |   └── NMEA Version
    	  |   |   |   └── 2.1/2.3/4.0/4.10/4.11
    	  |   |   └── Max SVs per Talker Id
    	  |   |   └── Mode Flags
    	  |   |   |   └── Conmatibility/Consider/Stict limit 82ch max
    	  |   |   |       /High precision mode
    	  |   |   └── GNSS to filter out
    	  |   |   └── Numberring used for SVs not supported by NMEA 0/1 3digit
    	  |   |   └── Main Talker ID 0/1 2-5
    	  |   |   └── GSV Talker ID 0
    	  |   |   └── BeiDou Talker ID
    	  ├── ODO(Odometer/Low0speed COG filter)
    	  ├── PM(Power Management)
    	  ├── PM2(Extend Power Management)
    	  ├── PMS(Power Management Setup)
    	  ├── PRT(Ports)
    	  |   └── Target 1 UART1
    	  |   └── Protocol in 0+1+2 UBX NMEA RTCM2
    	  |   └── Protocol out 0+1 UBX NMEA
    	  |   └── Baudrate 1152004800-921600
    	  |   └── Databits
    	  |   └── Stopbits
    	  |   └── Parity
    	  |   └── Bit Order
    	  ├── PWR(Power)
    	  ├── RATE(Rates)
    	  |   └── Time Source 1 GPS time
    	  |   └── Measurement Period 1000[ms] 200→5Hz 250→4Hz 500→2Hz等
    	  |   └── (Measurement Frequency 1.0[Hz])
    	  |   └── (Navigation Rate 1[cyc])
    	  |   └── (Navigation Frequency 1.0[Hz])
    	  ├── RINV(Remote Inventory)
    	  ├── RST(Reset)
    	  ├── RXM(Receiver Manager)
    	  ├── SBAS(SBAS Settings)
    	  |   └── Subsystem Enabled
    	  |   └── Services
    	  |   └── Number of search channels 3
    	  |   └── PRN Codes Other 120,123,127-192,133,135-138
    	  ├── SENIF(Sensor Interface)
    	  ├── SLAS(SLAS settings)
    	  ├── SMGR(Sync Manager Config)
    	  ├── SPT(Sensor Production Test Config)
    	  ├── TMODE(Time Mode)
    	  ├── TMODE(Time Mode)
    	  ├── TMODE(Time Mode)
    	  ├── TP(Time Mode)
    	  ├── TP5(Time Mode)
    	  ├── TXSLOT(Time Mode)
    	  ├── USB(Time Mode)
    	  ├── VALDEL(Time Mode)
    	  ├── VALGET(Time Mode)
    	  └── VALSET(Time Mode)

1.RTKLIB demo5_b29bをダウンロードして設定する方法

GNSS設定 baudrate115200など

  • Download demo5-b29b-binaries
  • RTKNAVIを起動します。
  • Options → Load → demo5_m8t_5Hz_confを選択
  • Options → Setting1 Excluded Satelites [GPS/GLO/Galileo/QZSS/Beidou] チェック
  • Options → Setting2 Fix and Hold OFF OFF
  • Base Station Lat/Lon/Height 入力
  • Input Streams → Rover → Opt COM/Bitrate 入力
  • Input Streams → Rover → Cmd Load m8t_rover_5Hz 選択
  • Input Streams → Base Station → Type NTRIP Client → Opt → host/Port/Mountpoint/User-ID/Password入力(10Km 以内のマウントポイント)
  • Start


# good starting point for rtkpost options for u-blox NEO-M8T 5 Hz: demo5 b29 code

pos1-posmode       =kinematic  # (0:single,1:dgps,2:kinematic,3:static,4:static-start,5:movingbase,6:fixed,7:ppp-kine,8:ppp-static,9:ppp-fixed)
pos1-frequency     =l1         # (1:l1,2:l1+l2,3:l1+l2+l5,4:l1+l5)
pos1-soltype       =forward    # (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined)
pos1-elmask        =15         # (deg)
pos1-snrmask_r     =off        # (0:off,1:on)
pos1-snrmask_b     =off        # (0:off,1:on)
pos1-snrmask_L1    =38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38
pos1-dynamics      =on         # (0:off,1:on)
pos1-ionoopt       =brdc       # (0:off,1:brdc,2:sbas,3:dual-freq,4:est-stec,5:ionex-tec,6:qzs-brdc,7:qzs-lex,8:stec)
pos1-tropopt       =saas       # (0:off,1:saas,2:sbas,3:est-ztd,4:est-ztdgrad,5:ztd)
pos1-sateph        =brdc       # (0:brdc,1:precise,2:brdc+sbas,3:brdc+ssrapc,4:brdc+ssrcom)
pos1-exclsats      =           # (prn ...)
pos1-navsys        =15          # (1:gps+2:sbas+4:glo+8:gal+16:qzs+32:comp)

pos2-armode        =fix-and-hold # (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix-and-hold)
pos2-gloarmode     =fix-and-hold # (0:off,1:on,2:autocal,3:fix-and-hold)
pos2-bdsarmode     =off        # (0:off,1:on)
pos2-gpsarmode     =on         # off is for debug only (0:off,1:on)
pos2-arfilter      =on         # (0:off,1:on)
pos2-arthres       =3
pos2-arthres1      =0.2        # use 0.004 if data quality allows
pos2-arlockcnt     =0          # set higher if arfilter=off
pos2-minfixsats    =4          # min sats to fix ambiguities
pos2-minholdsats   =5          # min sats to hold ambiguities
pos2-mindropsats   =10         # min sats to enable excluded sat in AR
pos2-rcvstds       =off         # adjust measurement variances with receiver stdevs
pos2-varholdamb    =0.1      # variance for fix-and-hold psuedo measurements (cycle^2)
pos2-gainholdamb   =0.01       # gain used for GLO and SBAS sats to adjust IC biases
pos2-arelmask      =15         # (deg)
pos2-arminfix      =100        # (samples) adjust for sample rate
pos2-armaxiter     =1
pos2-elmaskhold    =0          # (deg)
pos2-aroutcnt      =100        # (samples) adjust for sample rate

pos2-maxage        =30         # (s)
pos2-syncsol       =off        # (0:off,1:on)
pos2-slipthres     =0.05       # (m)
pos2-rejionno      =1000       # (m)
pos2-rejgdop       =30
pos2-niter         =1
pos2-baselen       =0          # (m)
pos2-basesig       =0          # (m)

out-solformat      =enu        # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:enu,3:nmea)
out-outhead        =on         # (0:off,1:on)
out-timesys        =gpst       # (0:gpst,1:utc,2:jst)
out-height         =ellipsoidal # (0:ellipsoidal,1:geodetic)
out-geoid          =internal   # (0:internal,1:egm96,2:egm08_2.5,3:egm08_1,4:gsi2000)
out-solstatic      =all        # (0:all,1:single)
out-nmeaintv1      =0          # (s)
out-nmeaintv2      =0          # (s)
out-outstat        =residual        # (0:off,1:state,2:residual)

stats-eratio1      =300
stats-eratio2      =100
stats-errphase     =0.003      # (m)
stats-errphaseel   =0.003      # (m)
stats-errphasebl   =0          # (m/10km)
stats-errdoppler   =1         # (Hz)
stats-stdbias      =30         # (m)
stats-stdiono      =0.03       # (m)
stats-stdtrop      =0.3        # (m)
stats-prnaccelh    =1.0        # (m/s^2)
stats-prnaccelv    =0.25        # (m/s^2)
stats-prnbias      =0.0001     # (m)
stats-prniono      =0.001      # (m)
stats-prntrop      =0.0001     # (m)
stats-clkstab      =5e-12      # (s/s)

ant1-postype       =rinexhead  # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:single,3:posfile,4:rinexhead,5:rtcm)
ant1-pos1          =0          # (deg|m)
ant1-pos2          =0          # (deg|m)
ant1-pos3          =0          # (m|m)
ant1-anttype       =
ant1-antdele       =0          # (m)
ant1-antdeln       =0          # (m)
ant1-antdelu       =0          # (m)
ant2-postype       =rinexhead  # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:single,3:posfile,4:rinexhead,5:rtcm)
ant2-pos1          =0          # (deg|m)
ant2-pos2          =0          # (deg|m)
ant2-pos3          =0          # (m|m)
ant2-anttype       =
ant2-antdele       =0          # (m)
ant2-antdeln       =0          # (m)
ant2-antdelu       =0          # (m)

misc-timeinterp    =off        # (0:off,1:on)
misc-sbasatsel     =0          # (0:all)
misc-rnxopt1       =
misc-rnxopt2       =

file-satantfile    =
file-rcvantfile    =
file-staposfile    =
file-geoidfile     =
file-ionofile      =
file-dcbfile       =
file-eopfile       =
file-blqfile       =
file-tempdir       =
file-geexefile     =
file-solstatfile   =2
file-tracefile     =2
# Set sample rate low while configuring receiver
!UBX CFG-RATE 1000 1 1

# turn on UBX RXM-RAWX messages on USB and UART
!UBX CFG-MSG 2 21 0 1 0 1 0 0

# turn on UBX RXM-SFRBX messages on USB and UART
!UBX CFG-MSG 2 19 0 1 0 1 0 0

# turn on UBX TIM TM2 messages on USB and UART
!UBX CFG-MSG 13 3 0 1 0 1 0 0

# GNSS system settings
# set GPS 8-16 channels
!UBX CFG-GNSS 0 32 32 1 0 8 16 0 1 0 1 1
# set SBAS 1-3 channels
!UBX CFG-GNSS 0 32 32 1 1 1 3 0 1 0 1 1
# set Galileo 0 channels off
!UBX CFG-GNSS 0 32 32 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
# set BeiDou 8-16 channels off
!UBX CFG-GNSS 0 32 32 1 3 8 16 0 0 0 1 1
# set IMES 0-8 channels off
!UBX CFG-GNSS 0 32 32 1 4 0 8 0 0 0 1 1
# set QZSS 0-3 channels
!UBX CFG-GNSS 0 32 32 1 5 0 3 0 1 0 1 1
# set GLONASS 8-14 channels
!UBX CFG-GNSS 0 32 32 1 6 8 14 0 1 0 1 1
# change NAV5 stationary mode to pedestrian
!UBX CFG-NAV5 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

# turn off extra messages default messages
!UBX CFG-MSG 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 240 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 240 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 240 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 240 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 240 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 240 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 1 34 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 1 48 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 3 15 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 3 16 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 12 16 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 12 49 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 12 52 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 04 02 0 0 0 0 0 0
!UBX CFG-MSG 10 38 0 0 0 0 0 0

# Set sample rate to 5 Hz for data collection
!UBX CFG-RATE 200 1 1

!UBX CFG-RATE 1000 1 1

※u-center ver21.05 Generation M8のConfiguration項目を表示してあります。カスタマイズ可能な箇所は展開し選択項目を表示してあります。USB COMポートでの接続

詳細はドキュメントUBX-13003221 (関連UBX-15028330)などをご参照下さい。